Users in 154 countries
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Our Approvalls

Founder Institute Graduation
Curitiba Virtual Winter 2020, Brazil

National Confederation of Micro and Small Enterprises, Brazil, 2020

Top 5 ranking for SMEs - 2018


MoU signed in 2017

MOU Signed with IBCT on 06/01/2017

MOU Signed with IBCT on 06/01/2017

Finalist of the CONEXÃO DE IMPACTO,of the Instituto Nexxera and SEBRAE/SC 2017

Selected among the 100 finalists of National Connection Program STARTUP INDÚSTRIA 2017

Institutional support of the Softex - Brazilian Information Technology approved in 2016

Institutional support of the Fecomercio Internacional approved in 2016

Certified by Connect Americas. Program of Interamerican Development Bank in 2015

Project approved in SEBRAEtec/SC program in 2014 and 2015

Considered among the top
100 StartUps in 2014

Finalist in FGV/SENAI/Wenovate program
in 2014

Project approved in TECNOVA/FINEP/FAPESC program in 2014

Finalist in MDIC/SENAI/Endeavor program in 2014

Project approved in TECNOVA/FINEP/FAPESC program in 2014

Selected in do SEBRAE/SC e ACATE/SC program in 2013

Selected in StartUp/SC program in 2013
About Us
We created an innovative solution for doing international business.
Our concept is to solve the three problems of international trade - market, routines and logistics - in one place.
We work to include small and medium enterprises in international trade because we believe this makes the world better, with more opportunities, more business and more sustainability.

Being a company with a Global presence
Insert and strengthen small enterprise in World trade
Honesty, integrity, commitment, innovation and
value generation
Institutional Video
Watch our institutional video and get to know our company better.
Video Practical guide
Watch our video Practical guide and understand how Intradebook works.
Plans have access to all modules
Market: as find customers and suppliers in the world?
- Offer/Search customers and suppliers
- Intelligent search engine
- Cost reduction possibility
- Profit increased possibility
- Companies around the world
Routines - How to know the practices of international trade?
- Issuing and checking of export and import documents
- Choice of forms of international payments
- Choice of buying and selling arrangements (Incoterms)
- Calculation of export prices
- and various other features
Logistics - How to find efficient partners?
- Offer services for foreign trade
- Search services for foreign trade
- Cost reduction possibility
- possibility of better quality of services
- professionals from around the world
Our Team
We have a qualified team behind our innovative technologies.